I knit the son this great hat for Christmas. He LOVES it! (what's not to love)

It got washed........ (poop)
So I knit a ton of shawls this year. Well maybe not a ton, but 6. Then I knit a couple of little shawlette's. I designed a couple of patterns (more to come this year!!) made a lot of hats and did a lot of spinning!
I am not really good about making and keeping New Year's resolutions. I see a lot of people are not going to buy so much yarn and knit from their stash. Which is good, but I am not going to promise that. No way. If I see something pretty, well.... I gotta have it.
I am going to try a new technique with my spinning or knitting. I don't know what it will be yet but I am going to try it. Perhaps short row heels on socks and navajo plying???
I need to make a sweater or 2 this year. That is a must. More socks can't hurt either. Shawls will just be a given.
I am also going to try and master fairisle knitting. I have a new book I got for Christmas "Norwegian Handknits" and it has some truly beautiful things in it. I want to make just about all I see in the book. But I think I may stick to mittens and a hat.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and here's to a new decade!